ArctanAwayBlockedBoltBridge BuilderCanalsCat Runner 1Color BreakColor ItCrawlers BalanceCube QuestDark CastleDino BrosDittoFloppy FishGap Passer BotSnow Ball RacingColor Poly10242DotsBalance StackBath FloodBilliardsBomb BlastBox FactoryBreakpixBumbly BeeCarriersChirpzClear The IslandColor Maze PuzzleColor SwitchDashDiffer HallDrop Stack BallExtreme PainistFixelFlappy ChirpzFlatlandFloodsFramesFruit JamGRAvityGhost GuideGobbleHelicopter EscapeHoppyJumpcadeK GameLE4PLaser Car XLayerueLight BounceLittle JumpLittle PandaLongcatMerge Block 2048MinecadeMonster MatchNgglindingNickOneTouchPaint The BeatPainty TumblerParkour Climb And JumpPivotPopCornPushboxReplaceShieldSkillteamSnek Left


Reach the goal - no further instructions needed!. FanJam VIII


Hold to move along the designated path. You win if you get to the checkered block. You lose if you hit any obstacle.